22 May 2009

Fwd: Toreiro's canção da semana

Nos aprendemos junto

La eee laila

Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la
(lala-e laila)
Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la

Berimbau chamou pro jogo,
pandeiro que respondeu,
atabaque ja entrou,
mestre bimba apareceu
lala e laila...

Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la

Capoeira começou,
como roda tradicional,
era luta e defesa
do negro no canavial

Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la

Manuel dos Reis Machado
estivador da beira do cais,
incorporou jogo de angola
com batuque e muito mais

Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la

e com paz bimba criou
a capoeira regional,
espalhou pro mundo inteiro
essa arte nacional

Ee la la ee laila, la la ee laila, lele lele la la



Singing, Dancing and Capoeira: The Key To A Long Life

Capoeira Boot Camp Cornwall 2008

Brian Eno has just written a great article about the joy of singing. Capoeira came to my mind while reading it.

At the heart of Capoeira is the Roda and a key part of that is the music. The Roda is a circle of people, with two people competing in the middle and everyone else singing and clapping in time around them. The music gives the players strength, they aim to make their moves in tune to the rhythm of the song. It's uplifting feeling a part of something like this.

Brian sums up the way I feel about Capeira  songs and the Roda:

When you sing with a group of people, you learn how to subsume yourself into a group consciousness because a capella
singing is all about the immersion of the self into the community.
That's one of the great feelings — to stop being me for a little while
and to become us. That way lies empathy, the great social virtue.

You can read the full article here

My first Batizado, my first Capoeira Belt!

Last year, at a loss for what to do on a Monday night, I decided to give this thing called Capoeira a try. Did a search and found Acer Capoeira. I knew little about it, other than it was a Brazilian marshal art, that's part fight, part dance, part music. After the lesson, my body ached all over, but it was a good pain, I'd really enjoyed myself and decided to stick with it.

Time flies and ...boom, it's been 10 months. Last Saturday was the Batizado, my first ever grading. I passed and was awarded my belt. I am so proud of myself and fellow Capoeiristas who shared the day with me.  It was the first time in my life that I really worked to achieve something. I would not call it hard work, it was too enjoyable, even with the blisters, bruises and sprains.

We continued the party at a local pub in South Wimbledon, where we had an unplanned Roda and Maculele. I'm not exaggerating in saying that it was one of the most enjoyable moments of my life. Myself, forming a part of the circle, looking around, in that candle lit pub, seeing my friends, my chosen family, feeling, contributing and connecting to the growing energy of the Roda. It was amazing to be a part of something so special, so energizing, so lucid.

After it was over I spoke to a friend saying how special it felt, she turned to me and said with a smile on her face, "Yes, it makes you feel alive doesn't it?". I couldn't put it better.

History of Capoeira

I am not here to tell all the history of Capoeira, the following is just a brief introduction. If you really want to learn or know more about Capoeira, I would suggest you join A.C.E.R. or any other school of Capoeira.

Capoeira, a fight, a dance? Definitely a combination of many skills! Capoeirista has Agility, Flexibility, Strength, Speed, Capoeirista is a Singer, a Musician, Capoeirista is an Actor a Martial Artist.
Capoeira, an unique Martial Art a Brazilian Art, born of oppression and slavery 400 year ago. As the slaves became aware that their conditions were irreversible, that they were intended to be an involuntary work force forever, they began to run away to the mountains where the palm trees were in abundance and they could hide.
An African community was born and the place was named Palmares.
In this community rival tribes joined forces teaching each other their Religion, Dance, Rituals, Games etc.
The result of this rich cultural fusion was the birth of the earliest forms of Capoeira.
Even the very experienced and well armed soldiers, the “Slave Hunters”, were unable to capture them. Capoeira was the key element for the slaves, a system of fighting with very FAST AND TRICKY movements the slaves caused considerable damage to the white man.


People all the World practice Capoeira these days, some for Self-Defence, others to Get Fit, Relieve Stress, Lose Weight, Improve Flexibility, Core Stability, Agility and Strength.

There is nothing in the world like Capoeira!

Capoeira Blends:
Self-Defence, Acrobatics, Music and Dance

A manteiga derramou

Nos aprendemos junto

A manteiga derramou
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou
A manteiga não é minha, é para filha de ioiô
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou
A manteiga é do patrão, caiu n'agua e se molhou
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou
A manteiga é de iaiá, a manteiga é de ioiô
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou
A manteiga é do patrão, caiu no chão e derramou
Vou dizer a meu senhor, que a manteiga derramou

I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled
I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled
The butter is not mine, it's for the child of the master
I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled
The butter is the boss', it fell in the water and got wet
I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled
The butter is the boss', the butter is the boss'
I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled
The butter is the boss', it fell on the ground and was spilled
I'm going to say to my master, that the butter has been spilled

You can listen to this song on the following website